Since, couple years ago, JetBrains made available its IntelliJ IDEA to users for free (yes, only its Community Edition), it became an interesting alternative to Eclipse IDE. While Eclipse is a great IDE, people looking for something more (even if just a little more), may be tempted to switch to IDEA, so here's something for them from another developer tempted to switch as well.
I have bolded out the actions I tend to use all the time in Eclipse.
I have bolded out the actions I tend to use all the time in Eclipse.
Basic Shortcuts:
- C-N - open class
- C-S-N - open any file
- A-F7 - find all usages of the object in the workspace
- C-Q - quick doco (info) about the object under cursor
- C-click - go to definition/implementation
- C-F12 - show quick outline of the class
- C-Space - auto complete
- C-S-Space - power auto complete (Tan and Enter - both select, but differently)
- A-Insert - code generate
- C-/ - comments with //
- C-S-/ - comments with /*...*/
- C-D - duplicates the selection
- C-S-BckSpc - move back in change-history locations
- C-S-F7 - highlight an identifier; F3 and S-F3 move to next/prev usage; Esc - de-highlight
- Code | Optimize Imports - from menu
- C-E - recent files list
- call tree of the current method: C-A-H
- locate the current file in the project tree: there is an icon in the project viewer
- move selected statements up or down the file: C-S-up and down
- go to declaration of the object: C-B
- go back in the browsing history (as opposed to change history):
C-A-left and right or C-[ - synchronize a file or a project against the SVN repo: see Version Control tool
Advanced Shortcuts:
- S-F6 - refactor: rename
- Esc - in a tool window - moves focus to editor (S-Esc - also hides the tool window)
- F12 - opposite to Esc
- C-A-T - surround it
- C-W - extend the selection
- C-A-V - refactor: extract variable
- Tab - live templates (np. itar Tab)
- Local History | Show History - from file or directory shows and lets revert to any version all changes in this file or directory
Create a New Project from Sources in IntelliJ:
- Open from sources or from SVN/GIT
- Open Project Structure dialog (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S) and specify which are source folders using the Module item from the left-hand panel