Friday, June 28, 2019

Building Java Applications with Gradle

Gradle wrapper:

  • In order to make sure you build the project with the same version of gradle as other developers (which can make a big difference), build the application using the wrapper: ./gradlew
    It will start with downloading the right gradle version, unless it's already there.
  • Watch out for running old gradlew for a version like 2.3 with a new java like version 11.  It quits silently without doing anything.

Useful commands:

  • gradle build -x test  -- run build but skip tests

Friday, June 7, 2019

Querying for Data in a Java Spring App - Alternatives

  1. Create a method with a name including all attributes you want to query by in your PersonRepository interface that implements CrudRepository<> (or PagingAndSortingRepository<>)
  2. Create a Specification object and use Spring findAll to find all records matching the Specification.
  3. Use @Query in the PersonRepository and define the query using JQL
  4. Use GraphQL (see for example

Monday, June 3, 2019

Unit testing with jUnit5 and Mockito

Mocking for Spring injected dependencies

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class Person {
   DependencyA dependencyA;

   // Don't use @InjectMocks if using constructor injection with final dependencies.
   // Mockito can't set the new mocks for each test
   TestedClass target;

   public void setup() {
      // only needed if you do Mockito.when(dependencyA.methodAbc()).thenReturn() or similar
      target = new TestedClass(dependencyA);

   public void testMethodWhatsyourname() {
      // given
      // when

      // then 