Storing the current time/date in SQLite
The most common way is to do:
database.execSQL("update TABLE_NAME set COLUMN_NAME = datetime('now') where ...");As a result, SQLite stores a string representing the current time in UTC (GMT), using the ISO8601 date/time format. This format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS), is by the way suitable for date/time comparisons. The fact that the value stored is in UTC and not in a local time zone, is actually nice. More about it below.
Retrieving a time/date and displaying it
To retrieve the value, follow the recommended Android practice:
Cursor row = databaseHelper.query(true, TABLE_NAME, new String[] {This, returns a string, parse it and reformat to your local format and time zone:
null, null, null, null, null);
String dateTime = row.getString(row.getColumnIndexOrThrow(COLUMN_INDEX));
DateFormat iso8601Format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");Note the when + TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(when) above. This does the trick to convert the UTC time/date to local time. The DateUtils.formatDateTime() seem to be supposed to do this, but it doesn't, or I wasn't able to find a way to achieve it.
try {
date = iso8601Format.parse(dateTime);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Parsing ISO8601 datetime failed", e);
long when = date.getTime();
int flags = 0;
flags |= android.text.format.DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
flags |= android.text.format.DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
flags |= android.text.format.DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH;
flags |= android.text.format.DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR;
String finalDateTime = android.text.format.DateUtils.formatDateTime(context,
when + TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(when), flags);
And that's it.
hey. i am working on xmlparsing. inthat i have a date value as wed, 3 Feb 2010, 01:22:19 -0500. how can i covert this text value to date and store it in sqlite table.
hey. i am working on xmlparsing. inthat i have a date value as wed, 3 Feb 2010, 01:22:19 -0500. how can i covert this text value to date and store it in sqlite table.
The simplest way would be to use SimpleDateFormat("..."). Try finding the right format description in javadoc for this method ( For example, for the "wed", you would use 'E', then ',' and so on.
What about SQLite's function datetime('your-utc-time', 'localtime')?
Amazing you can either use simple date format to get date and time, or you can first store the value of date tag from your xml in a string and then extract it's substring, this is also a very simple wat
hey amazing, you can either use simpledateformat or simply you can first save the value of your date tag in a string and then extract substring from it,
Why cant you declare the column as a INTEGER and the datetime will be stored as number of seconds passed after 1970. You can skip the step of parsing it back to date object later.
Hello, i have list of database which is added dynamically from one activity now i want to display date and time on same activity means when i am adding data it should store data along with its time and date in sqlite data base ...How to do that please help me...
Hello, i have list of database which is added dynamically from one activity now i want to display date and time on same activity means when i am adding data it should store data along with its time and date in sqlite data base ...How to do that please help me...
how do i save date taken from datepicker in textview and store that in database..
Exactly what I was looking for.
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